
Gain Control of Your Monkey Mind – Meditation


Voiced by Claire Anstey this “Leaves on the Stream” meditation enables you to practice letting go of your thoughts and focusing just on your breath. 

This guided meditation enables you to clear your mind, relax and understand how we can separate ourself from our thoughts.

“Leaves on a stream” is a great way to learn meditation and it enables you to release how you can have power over your negative and unhelpful automatic thoughts.

Inside our premium content you will be able to add to the skills you learn in these meditations and start really seeing powerful changes in our mental and emotional wellbeing.

This meditation has two versions

Version One: Original Version

Please do this meditation first if you have not done it before. This version guides you though visualisation to let go of any thoughts that pop into your head and let them go down a leave on the stream. This visualisation practice in meditation enables you practice letting go of your thoughts, a practice that you can then take into your real daily life. This helps with negative thoughts and negative self talk.

Length: 5 minutes 28 seconds

Version Two: Added Reaction Words

This version of the meditation includes Claire repeating words that may trigger negative thoughts or memories. If anything pops into your mind you can practice letting the thoughts go though the visualisation of letting the thought pass down the stream away from you. By doing this in meditation you are training yourself to let go of any triggered thoughts in your daily life.

Length: 7 Minutes

Please Listen Whilst Sitting Or Lying Down. 
Do Not Listen Whilst Active Or Driving. 
