
What Are You Reading Right Now?

I love books. I adore books. They teach me what I don’t get to learn from the people and the current world around me. They nourish my soul, open my heart and permit me to be myself. They create an escape that frees my imagination, and they confirm the thoughts I have had through intuition. They had also led me back to my path when I got slightly lost.

You must read, you must nourish your soul. Paper books, digital books, audiobooks and even movies made from books – suck them all up and allow them to remind you of your truth and understand how your mind, body and this universe works.

What are you reading right now? Is it feeding your soul?

Below are five books that had a profound effect on me and my life when I first discovered personal development and new thought.

1: Louise L Hay – You Can Heal Your Life.
2: Deepak Chopra – The Seven Spiritual Laws Of Success (Book & DVD)
3: James Redfield – Celestine Prophecy (Book & DVD)
4: Wayne Dyer – 10 secrets for success and inner peace
5: Catherine Ponder – The Dynamic Laws Of Prosperity

I would love to know what books had a profound effect on you.

Post a picture of you with the book and tell us why it had such an impact on you in our community group.

We would love to hear from you, and see your words, inspire other wonderful women in our community by posting your reccomended books to our comunity group.
